Re: “Lolita the orca dies in captivity before return to the PNW” [Aug. 18, Local News]:
The dying of Lolita in captivity was a travesty. The abusers who stole her and different orcas from Puget Sound bought away with many years of abuse and torture on the Miami Seaquarium and elsewhere.
Whereas tears are flowing over this injustice, we mustn’t ever let such inhumanity occur once more. The merciless, inhumane and wasteful Seattle Aquarium Shark Tank exhibit have to be stopped. If public shows of animal cruelty and abuse to our Puget Sound orcas aren’t sufficient to show us to cease kidnapping wildlife, what’s going to?
Defund the Seattle Shark Tank exhibit and return the captured wildlife being warehoused in South Seattle to their houses within the ocean.
Christie Lagally, Seattle
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